Jonathan Dejesus Segarra, Ph.D.


Jonathan completed his undergraduate degree in Chemical Engineering at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez in 2006. Right after that, he started his professional career at the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and has worked in several offices at NRC. Jonathan earned a fellowship from the NRC to pursue his Ph.D. During his time as a Ph.D. student in the RISE Lab, he served as a Reliability and Risk Analyst in the NRC’s Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research where he contributed to the development of a human reliability analysis methodology (NUREG-2198). In July 2021, he completed his Ph.D. work on an issue of particular interest to the nuclear power risk assessment community: multi-unit seismic probabilistic risk assessment. His dissertation is titled, “A Bayesian Network Perspective on the Elements of a Nuclear Power Plant Multi-Unit Seismic Probabilistic Risk Assessment.”